
18. Organize Your Make-Up

Keep your make-up in one location. This makes it easy for you to find what you need while trying to rush out the door in the morning or packing for a weekend getaway.
1. Sort your make-up by color, style, or current season. Pick a system that is easy for you to follow and maintain.
2. Pick a place to store the make-up. You can store your make-up on a shelf, in a drawer or the best option is in a case or organizer made for make-up. Google make-up case organizer for several selections ranging is all prices. If you choose a shelf or drawer, use storage containers to keep everything in their place. Plastic bins, drawer organizers, glass bottles, vintage cups, etc. will work well.
3. Create a small travel case for your purse or the gym. You can grab this case and go without having to pull together your make-up each time you leave the house.

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